I discovered, unwittingly, that when a user unenrolls or is booted from a program by the system "all his data in the course, including course progress, will be removed, including quiz inputs." This data is non-recoverable. Not only is this terrible best practice for data management and an absolute nightmare for situations where this was done inadvertently, but it also exposes creators to massive legal risk. This issue needs to be addressed immediately. Can you imagine if someone sues a creator for non-delivery of services and I have absolutely zero proof that the program was being delivered to them and they were engaging with it? Following are some recommendations. 1) Data should NEVER be deleted without express authorization from the data owner, which includes the site admins. 2) Any unenrollment should be reversible. Progress in a program can be reset or reinstated. 3) Answers to quizzes and surveys should remain accessible.