
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


  1. Video analytics based on the course option added
  2. Video analytics not working issue solved
  3. The count of leads showing on the site dashboard and site -> people are different- issue solved
  4. Custom form submission Issue solved
  1. If an admin disconnects Stripe and connects a new one, users who have saved their card will not be able to make purchases - fixed
  2. Live Class: While clicking on the Live Class Overview tab, the selection goes to Calendar issue solved
  3. Zapier Integration: Issue with unenroll Users from course
  4. Get a user list API is Fetching Incomplete Data  issue solved
  5. Register live webinar not working - api issue solved
  6. Payment plans are shown in churned report issue solved
  7. When a file is downloaded from the course content, unnecessary characters are appended to it- fixed
  8. Unable to login from checkout page if the invisible captcha is enabled
  9. Zapier new user trigger not activated for manual enrollment
  1. In the email broadcast, if the "from" email address is from a non-authenticated domain, display a warning message.
  2. Mobile APP - API to get video embed content in a lesson shows invalid video - Fixed
  3. Fixed an issue where affiliate commissions were incorrectly shown as zero for courses not covered by their promotion permissions.
  4. An error message saying 'undefined' is showing while trying to purchase a course plan with trial using saved card in stripe - fixed
  5. The Partner badge button is clickable even outside the button area.
  6. Sitemap includes all the pages of the site, even those for which the "Show in search results" has been toggled OFF issue solved
  7. Live Class: The Live Class Thumbnail is missing in the Live Class overview, Automation Detail view- fixed
  8. Oops page while adding Live class to course contents. issue solved
  9. The preview of the lesson with the Live Class seems to be empty/blank. issue solved
  10. After purchasing a course with an order bump using a 3D card and a 100% coupon that applies only to the main course, the user is not getting enrolled into the order bump course - fixed
AI Question generation support in quiz app.
  1. Fixed issue - unable to join live class (added in course), if the user not already registered .
  2. Color changes made to the page footer from site branding are not reflecting on the pages→ bug fixed
  3. Unable to save the changes made to the colors in site branding → bug fixed
  4. The description under the pricing plan is not displaying completely on the pricing block- Fixed
  5. Language support added for live sessions
  6. The GDPR consent checkbox is not shown on the free live webinar popup form- fixed
  7. The Email Broadcasts listing filter only works on the first page; when navigating to the second page, the filter condition is not applied-fixed
  8. Added minimum and maximum character limits for the media library title field
  9. An incorrect canonical URL has been set for the inner pages of the blog (such as blog posts and categories)- fixed
  10. 1-1 bookings recurring session are not shown in the course curriculum upcoming live sessions popup- fixed
  11. Fixed a bug causing profile name changes from lowercase to uppercase.
  12. Fixed issue preventing scrolling to view complete Meta Pixel code due to box size limitation in site->site settings ->Global inludes
  13. Fixed issue where, after clicking 'Make this action live' ' in email automation for lesson completion without saving email changes, the system prompted to save changes, resulting in duplicate success messages and failure to close the box
  14. The thumbnail of the thank you page under course pages shows Oops, Bug fixed
  1. Added the option to manage user preferences from the admin side also Implemented filtering of unsubscribed users based on email preferences in the advanced filter .
  2. If a user registers for the live class for the second time after cancelling the first registration, they won't receive the automated email- fixed
  3. Drafted broadcasts are removed from the listing in the filter.
  4. The dates shown in the blog post have been changed from the created date to the updated date.
  1. New feature - Survey
  2. New feature - Video analytics and engagement tracking
  3. New block to list all the related blog posts at the bottom of each blog post.
  4. Personal data sent to Facebook Events Manager should be hashed-Fixed
  5. When attempting to bulk enroll students into a live session scheduled for an upcoming date, the date is unavailable in the dropdown list- Fixed
  6. If there are no upcoming one-to-one sessions, the "Upcoming” live Sessions tab displays an "Oops" error- Fixed
  7. The confirmation emails received for the paid live class and live webinar multiple schedules displayed  incorrect join URLs and schedule times for registrants- Fixed
  8. In the case of funnels and blogs, if the page is not found, it now returns 200 instead of 404. The issue has been fixed
  9. Assistant roles now have access to the Live session, while Support roles no longer have access.
  1. Changing a single session to recurring on a live webinar now updates the date and time correctly, addressing the issue that occurs specifically when the site's time zone is not selected
  2. We have resolved an issue where the 'live' indicator continued to be displayed on the left side of the lesson, despite the removal of 'live' from the course
  3. Users with both Assistant and Instructor roles can now access the editor side from Site->Pages as expected
  4. Clicking the 'join' button for a live session from the calendar page with a registered account now correctly redirects to the waiting page instead of the registration page
  5. Swedish language support has been implemented
  6. If any change in subscription pricing occurs while purchasing, payment processed through Paypal shows error - fixed
  7. Once a student cancels the Paypal subscription, they lose access to the course immediately - fixed
  8. In the confirmation popup of starting a live, sometimes shows 'Start null' - fixed
Production Date: 16-02-24
  1. When submitting a form on Home page getting success message (if the lead limit is exceeded) but details not added to site - Fixed
  2. When users register for the live (1-1 and live class), they are not enrolling in the site community. - Fixed
  3. While creating a live session, select Schedule later option and click done. This will give an error message.- Fixed
  4. In survey report, new users coming last. Last user should come first - Fixed
  5. Issue while creating recurring Live interactive webinar: Text overlapping occurs when browser window is zoomed - Fixed
  6. Restricted deletion of the last schedule in a live recurring session.- Fixed
  7. Incorrect string display on the student side. In the string table, changing the label "address" is inadvertently causing the label "email_address" to also change. Fixed
  8. When a site downgrades from Pro or Premium to Beta, disabled admin users should not be listed on the "sites" > "people" page."
  9. Issues with Custom domain permissions for Vimeo Video -issues related to restrictions to domain - Fixed
  10. schedule_id listed in filter under custom field issue solved
  11. Internal links visible in search engine issue solved
  12. In the course player for live classes, the 'Join Now' button is still displayed even though live class registration is closed.- fixed
  13. Adding Random type of Questions by AI Quiz
  14. When adding a live session to a lesson, the placeholder default text 'Select a Live Session' is also available as an option.-Fixed
  15. Admin side course review pagination is not working after approving all -fixed
  16. Added an option to increase or decrease the course validity under user details > courses tab
  17. Sometimes there is issue in Razorpay where payment will be success but users failed to enroll in course/live sessions - Fixed (Direction to uiser: New webhook payment.captured should be added in Razorpay dashboard)
  18. In quiz, Youtube videos are not working in full screen mode - fixed
  19. Added new feature Churn report
Production Date: 27-03-24
  1. Added new feature: Granular email unsubscription! Users can now personalize their inbox by selecting which email categories they wish to receive.
  2. Fixed loading slowdown issue for some users when loading site user profiles
Production Date: 20-03-24
  1. In the Site > Home Page settings, only published pages should be  listed.
  2. Users are not  allowed to update their email address to match the owner's email in subsite via Profile editing
  3. We have updated our validation system to accommodate names with only one character in the first name fields, enhancing inclusivity for a wider range of users.
  4. The search functionality within the blog section has been restored and is now fully operational
  5. Disabled 'View Details' button in site > student > course section for support roles lacking report access
  6. Encountering an 'oops' error message while accessing the course review page-bug fixed
  7. In the cart abandonment email the plan URL is incorrect, when a new user/logged out enrolls in a course - fixed
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