Email Notifications for Community Posts
Course instructors and administrators should be able to receive an email each time a student or others instructors writes a post in the course community. I understand that the "Bell" notifies when there is a new post, but it requires logging into the platform to see it.
Additionally, instructors should be able to reply to these student posts directly from the email itself, without having to access New Zenler for that purpose.
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Rakesh Vallil
Released on Feb 4th > . Granular unsubscribe, tagging and notifications setting is also coming.
Rakesh Vallil - since this is now set as Complete, where do we change the settings to choose if we want emails or not when there is activity in the Community?
Rakesh Vallil
Linda we are working on granular unsubscribe for community emails, will come
Rakesh Vallil - great, thanks!
Exactly. In my use case, I have a high-touch, small-group coaching program and students use the Community for that program to submit materials for me to review (via links in posts). I am not getting notified because they create the post for discussion on their work rather than commenting on one of
posts. They tag me, but even then, I don't get notified. I kept feeling baffled and surprised every time I'd check the Community and see all the notifications there when I thought no one had posted since I received no emails. There should at least be a toggle for admins to be able to opt in to email notifications whenever they're tagged.
I wrongly assumed email notifications for tagged members had been fixed/added with the email notification update for Communities, so I contacted support when I thought it wasn't working. I didn't realize it was only for when uses comment under my posts, and not when I'm tagged...
Rakesh Vallil
Gina yep will add tagging also
I sooooo agree with everybody's comments on the Community page. First of all I didn't know that a change was coming. And I honestly don't see a single thing that is better than before - actually the opposite. Maybe I'm missing something...
The automatic emails when new comments absolutely have to come back, and hopefully quick. My group has completely died.... 😱
LindaI agree with you. I don't understand why this subject has notify like "finished". It is not.
Marra Apgar
This is a major issue for me as well. There's no point to HAVING a forum if it doesn't drive engagement. And no one is going to know they've got a reply etc unless they get a notification (to their email). I'm flabbergasted that this isn't included in the upgrade. Huge backwards step for me..
Marra Apgar totally agree!
Mind Like Water
Yes I have the same issue. I like to update my members in the community section and used to click on the envelope that allowed me to send the update as an email to notify members of the update but this has disappeared. Will it be added back? Thanks
Before, we have email notification. Since the update of the communities, notification email have be removed without being informed. My students don't received notification either so it's a problem for me.
Right now I'm thinking if I stay in newzenler or if I have to move whereas I like the platform. But without this link between me and my students, the things doesn't work well.
Rakesh Vallil
It was not removed, but as we were completely revamping community from scratch (without any releation to old community), we hadn't implemented email notification's as we were taking a stepped approach. Its ready - this was shipped on 6th Feb.
Rakesh Vallil Hello. Thanks for the answer.
However, I still don't have any email notifications, so if the update happened on February 6th it still doesn't work on my side. Can you enlighten me?
I understand that you didn't voluntarily remove email notifications, however an email to warn of what is happening would have been appreciated. That way I could have taken the lead with my students and warned them.
Rakesh Vallil
Farah you will have, When you create a new post there is email notifications, When someone comments on admin post you get email too. More cases like mentions etc are coming too. Noted but remember new community has nothing to do with old community as its a complete rebuilld from ground up so any feature you see is new, but no worries we have lot planned.
Rakesh Vallil At the moment I don't receive any emails.
I would like to receive an email when someone posts, and especially for my students to receive an email when someone replies to them.
Here I am thinking about opening Facebook groups which was not my idea when I came to Zenler.
I am also wondering about joining even if in several months (it took me a lot of energy to bring all my training and students to Zenler) another platform that will allow a real link between students.
Also, my students encounter a lot of bugs in their comments (messages are written backwards etc...). My customer service quality has taken a hit and it is very stressful for me to have to worry about that (customer service does not come back to me, pretending that it takes time...)
I think I used to get email notifications before the upgrade, but can't find anywhere to switch these on now. So yes i really need this as I've missed a load of comments as I didn't realise the emails had stopped.