Community members list hiden
Liikunnallinen Nainen
We noticed that you have updated the community and we noticed that
members can now see everyone's names... We need to hide this
We try to be discreet about our costumers personal information and some
people are not comfortable for us to share their name to everybody.
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I absolutely agree, and I do think it might be kind of urgent... It might not infringe on GDPR, but close...?
I have now gotten several emails from members that are not happy with this. I think it would be perfect if a member can choose a "screen name / course name" that can be separate from the account name.
I was previously suggested that the members can change their own name in their account. But then I loose all that information, emails will have funky names or no names, and I suspect in might also affect recurring payments throught Stripe, etc. There has to be an easier/better way.