Production Date: 16-02-24
  1. When submitting a form on Home page getting success message (if the lead limit is exceeded) but details not added to site - Fixed
  2. When users register for the live (1-1 and live class), they are not enrolling in the site community. - Fixed
  3. While creating a live session, select Schedule later option and click done. This will give an error message.- Fixed
  4. In survey report, new users coming last. Last user should come first - Fixed
  5. Issue while creating recurring Live interactive webinar: Text overlapping occurs when browser window is zoomed - Fixed
  6. Restricted deletion of the last schedule in a live recurring session.- Fixed
  7. Incorrect string display on the student side. In the string table, changing the label "address" is inadvertently causing the label "email_address" to also change. Fixed
  8. When a site downgrades from Pro or Premium to Beta, disabled admin users should not be listed on the "sites" > "people" page."
  9. Issues with Custom domain permissions for Vimeo Video -issues related to restrictions to domain - Fixed
  10. schedule_id listed in filter under custom field issue solved
  11. Internal links visible in search engine issue solved
  12. In the course player for live classes, the 'Join Now' button is still displayed even though live class registration is closed.- fixed
  13. Adding Random type of Questions by AI Quiz
  14. When adding a live session to a lesson, the placeholder default text 'Select a Live Session' is also available as an option.-Fixed
  15. Admin side course review pagination is not working after approving all -fixed
  16. Added an option to increase or decrease the course validity under user details > courses tab
  17. Sometimes there is issue in Razorpay where payment will be success but users failed to enroll in course/live sessions - Fixed (Direction to uiser: New webhook payment.captured should be added in Razorpay dashboard)
  18. In quiz, Youtube videos are not working in full screen mode - fixed
  19. Added new feature Churn report